Our Story

Founder and Managing Director Sean Harrington is a proud Walbunja man of the Yuin Nation.

Black Duck Trade was established in 2018 by Sean Harrington to provide sustainable and purposeful procurement solutions for all organisations. Black Duck Trade is a Supply Nation Certified, Indigenous owned and operated entity that is committed to giving back to the Indigenous community.

Why Black Duck?

In Australian Aboriginal culture, totems connect people on a spiritual level, providing a deep connection and understanding to their traditional land as well as their mob. The term “mob” is used amongst Australian Aboriginal people colloquially when referring to what is more commonly known as a clan or tribe.

The Australian mainland is made up of over 250 Aboriginal nations, each with their own language, culture, customs, and communities. Depending on where a person is from, their totem will represent that person’s nation and/or mob. A totem is either a natural object, plant, or animal.

The Umbarra – Black Duck, is the totem of Australian Aboriginal people of the Yuin Nation. The Yuin Nation stretches along the South Coast of NSW.

The story behind the artwork

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